Here you will find some info about how to use API for KeyTyper. This API uses MySQL queries for returning data. Link to API:
Podatki (Data)
- ID_podatek (ID)
- ID_uporabnik (ID of user)
- Datum (Date of submit)
- Stevilo (Number of clicks on keyboard)
- LevKlik (Left clicks)
- DesniKlik (Right clicks)
- SredinskiKlik (Middle clicks)
- ID_racunalnik (ID of computer)
- PrepotovanaRazdalija (Distance travelled)
- PremikKolescka (Number of scrols)
Racunalniki (Computers)
- ID_racunalnik (ID)
- Ime (Name)
- ID_uporabnik (ID of user)
Uporabniki (Users)
- ID_uporabnik (ID)
- Uporabnisko_ime (Username)
- Drzava(Country)
How to use?
To use API you need to know something about MySQL language. You can use GET or POST method to return data. Rows are separated with “;” and columns with “|”. To use GET method you use “api.php?code=MYSQL-code”. All spaces must be replaced with “-”. To use POST method you do not use “-”, you can just use space. Set code parameter to MySQL query.
- You can execute only one query at the time
- Query needs to end with “;”
- You can only use SELECT statement
And the website returns: 'username1'|;
Error: 0
API did not get any data to process.
Error: 1
You used forbidden MySQL statements! You can only use SELECT.
Error: 2
You used a forbidden MySQL column! You can only use columns that are listed in section Tables.
Error: 3
Your MySQL statement needs to end with “;”.
Error: 4
You used more than one MySQL statement! You can only use one!
Error: 5
Your MySQL statement is not okay! MySQL returned an error.