
The most keypresses in one day: 93.641 by: Yxmaxy on 20. 08. 2019.
The most left clicks in one day: 21.643 by: trobentica on 20. 02. 2021.
The most right clicks in one day: 11.301 by: Yxmaxy on 28. 01. 2021.
The most middle clicks in one day: 384 by: nikigre on 08. 10. 2024.
The longest distance traveled in one day: 5.972,22 m by: trobentica on 22. 10. 2023.
The most mouse scrolls in one day: 50.938 by: nikigre on 03. 06. 2022.

Key presses Left clicks Right clicks Middle clicks Distance traveled Mouse scrolls
SUM of all data27.507.86915.447.771682.61434.9453.509,975 km22.962.367
AVG per day5.0982.8631276719,990 m4.905
Data tracked from27. 4. 201928. 4. 201928. 4. 201928. 4. 201916. 1. 202016. 1. 2020


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